With out you (Sin tí) Con David Guetta y Usher.
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¿Por qué With out you?
Porque es una canción muy sencilla, fácil de entender y de cantar. En ella hay muchas palabras que ustedes ya conocen, y sino, no duden en buscarlas en el diccionario.
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I can't win, I can't reign
I will never win this game
Without you, without you
I am lost, I am vain,
I will never be the same
Without you, without you
I won't run, I won't fly
I will never make it by
Without you, without you
I can't rest, I can't fight
All I need is you and I,
Without you, without.... You!
Oh oh oh
You you you
You you you
Without you..
Can't erase, so I'll take blame
But I can't accept that we're
Without you, without you
I can't quit now, this can't be right
I can't take one more sleep this night
Without you, without you
I won't soar, I won't climb
If you're not here I'm paralyzed without you, without you
I can't look, I'm so blind
Lost my heart, I lost my mind without you without... You!
Oh oh oh
You you you
You you you
Without you..
I am lost, I am vain,
I will never be the same
Without you, without you, WITHOUT YOU
I will never win this game
Without you, without you
I am lost, I am vain,
I will never be the same
Without you, without you
I won't run, I won't fly
I will never make it by
Without you, without you
I can't rest, I can't fight
All I need is you and I,
Without you, without.... You!
Oh oh oh
You you you
You you you
Without you..
Can't erase, so I'll take blame
But I can't accept that we're
Without you, without you
I can't quit now, this can't be right
I can't take one more sleep this night
Without you, without you
I won't soar, I won't climb
If you're not here I'm paralyzed without you, without you
I can't look, I'm so blind
Lost my heart, I lost my mind without you without... You!
Oh oh oh
You you you
You you you
Without you..
I am lost, I am vain,
I will never be the same
Without you, without you, WITHOUT YOU
¿Sabían que David Guetta es francés, y comenzó su carrera como D.J. de música electrónica en su país?
¡Wow! Estudiar y hablar inglés nos abre las puertas en muchos países.
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